Saturday 26 February 2011

A List of Good Things

Looking out at a grey and drizzled Lower Sloane Street, it's hard not to feel that maybe spring has decided to give this year a miss.  Despite the daffodils, we seem so stuck in the rain that  even my duck-headed umbrella isn't managing to cheer things up.

So, rallying in the interests of happiness and feeling more than a little Julie Andrews-esque, I have put together a list of good things. Destined to bring sunlight to even the gloomiest of February days, here are is my Saturday top five:

1. This photo! It's by Slim Aarons, on the cover of Rizzoli's new book Hotel Il Pellicano. Have you ever seen anything so delicious and cooly elegant?

2. Emily Sutton's new prints. They are bursts of colour and wit and I long to take this bear home so that I can enjoy his wry expression on a daily basis. Plus, Emily says that her prints are partly inspired by a visit to New York's American Folk Art Museum. They make me think happily of my trip there last summer, and of the many joys to be discovered within.

3. Our fast-approaching evening of High Society! On the 13th of April Hugo Vickers is coming to the shop for an evening signing copies of his new book, Behind Closed Doors. The Tragic, Untold Story of the Duchess of Windsor. To go with the signing we are holding an exhibition of new and vintage books on mid-century society. Joy of joys! Glamour and a glass of wine! The books have started coming in and already I am lusting after a copy of Allure. Now the only question is whether or not my beaded dress will be warm enough for early April.

4. Strawberry Hill! They've started taking bookings for when the house re-opens in April  and in preparation I'm reading the V&A's 2009 exhibition catalogue. Surely Horace Walpole is one of England's greatest achievements? See page 86 for my favourite piece of eccentricity: a beautifully-carved limewood cravat by Grinling Gibbons. That he wore.

5. Mr Peek and the Misunderstanding at the Zoo. Who can resist cheeky monkeys and a jaunty zoo keeper with a waxed moustache? 

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